5° + Geneva College
Findings Report • Brand Promise • Message Map • Logo and Identity • Brand Book • Enrollment Materials
The Challenge: Be Bold and Stay True
With deep roots in its Reformed Presbyterian heritage, Geneva has been providing academically excellent, Christ-centered, and affordable education to students for over 170 years. Geneva leaders recognized that achieving the College’s vision for growth and awareness—while also staying true to deeply held convictions—would require a bold and intentional branding initiative.
The Plan: Rebranding on Mission
Following an intensive Research and Discovery phase in collaboration with 5°, Geneva adopted three brand pillars to represent distinctive and unchanging qualities of the College: Purposeful Learning, Kingdom Community, and Lifelong Mission. For undergraduate enrollment marketing, the College launched the renewed brand with the theme “Made for This,” calling students to discover and grow in the purpose for which they were created. The 5° team completed comprehensive brand architecture, messaging, and identified design assets to facilitate the renewed brand.
The Results
Geneva’s updated on-campus branding, web design, social media, and printed materials consistently present a brand personality that is bold and personal with a tone that is inviting and future-focused. Messaging consistently communicates the Made for This theme supported by the essential brand pillars and faith-life foundation.
“As an institution with a specific mission and vision for education, we needed a firm that took our mission seriously. From the start, the team at 5° did not merely show a professional interest in a client, but a personal interest in seeing us succeed.
We’ve been so grateful for the response of the Geneva community. The new brand is focused on our primary market of prospective students and their families, yet we’ve received a very positive response from alumni, board members, faculty, staff, and community members.”
–Willem de Ruijter, VP of Enrollment and Marketing

Regional Billboard

Digital Ad Series

Travel Deck

Viewbook Spread