Smart Steps, Big Results—One School’s 2021 Admissions Success Story

Boosting your enrollment numbers typically doesn’t require an entire makeover of your recruiting strategy or branding efforts. Often, a small shift makes a big difference. Time after time, we see schools build their brand—and unlock their brand power—by executing a series of thoughtfully developed, consistent steps.

The mid-pandemic recruiting cycle of 2020–21 presented a whole new series of challenges for college admissions teams, requiring adaptability and heightening the importance of creative planning. Here’s one school that implemented smart strategy to rise above the challenges.

The Big Difference for East Tennessee State University

This fall, East Tennessee State University celebrated a 12 percent increase in first-time freshman enrollment. What was the secret to their success? Foundationally, it was about effective teamwork.

Heather Levesque, Director of Admissions, offered this insight:

“In addition to coinciding with the pandemic, our partnership with 5 Degrees overlapped with the development of a new relationship between ETSU Undergraduate Admissions and the institutional office of University Marketing and Communications. It was incredible to work with 5 Degrees at this inflection point.”

She continued:

“At a time that demanded innovation and fresh focus on integrated recruitment marketing, consistent messaging, and strategic timing, 5 Degrees delivered. They brought new life into our print and digital visual identity. Their engaging, impactful designs formed a cohesive experience across the various touchpoints of our recruitment outreach.”

Here are a few of the smart steps included in their recruiting plan:

Diversity and International Recruitment. An intentional recruiting emphasis highlighted the difference that diversity makes on campus. ETSU created a stand-out print piece to showcase special events, activities, and programs on campus that celebrate and encourage diversity.

Transfer Recruitment. ETSU recognized the importance of the transfer market segment, which now makes up approximately 40 percent of today’s college students*. Together with 5°, they developed a transfer viewbook to show the ease of transitioning to ETSU and the benefits of doing so. This year at ETSU, the increase in the number of transfer students incrementally impacted overall admissions numbers.

Website Redesign. Prioritizing the importance of an engaging online experience for prospective students, ETSU launched a new admissions site in October. What made this project successful was steady collaboration, with the ETSU IT team carefully executing the design from 5°.

“We know the first impression we make on many students is going to be our website, and 5 Degrees helped translate our unique energy and atmosphere into the digital space,” Levesque said. “Our site is now intuitive and streamlined. It’s clear and easy to find answers, to apply for admission, to sign up for a campus tour. That’s good for the user experience, and good for recruitment.”

Reimagined Print Pieces. A suite of 10+ print pieces supported recruitment operations for college fairs, on-campus events, and mail campaigns. Consistent messaging and coordinated design tied the pieces together, creating continuity in communications efforts.

Levesque concluded,

“Working with 5 Degrees has been unlike any vendor partnership we’ve ever had. We genuinely feel like they are team members in our own office. They know our institution, they are attuned to our audience, and their expertise in design and storytelling have allowed us to share the ETSU story the way it deserves to be told. What we’ve created with 5 Degrees has been transformative.”

What Are the Next Smart Steps for Your Brand?

If it’s time for a refresh in your enrollment strategy, smart steps are more important than big steps. A slight shift—a 5° turn—might make all the difference. If you’re not sure where to start, send us a quick note and we can start a conversation to get you heading in the right direction.

*Source: E-Expectations® of Transfer Students: The 2020 Trend Report, Ruffalo Noel Levitz.


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